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medic alert service

As soon as I figure this out, someones going to jail. And it begins. Chapter 2 will be a smartlock. The creepy pos maintenance man who enters apartments at will. Post when I’m there. Happy Thanksgiving to you, and thanks again for your generous information sharing in terms I can understand and giving your time to answer questions!2I would not recommend using Wi Fi cameras only because I have found that WiFi cameras are not 100% reliable. I would use wired cameras and use wireless cameras only to reach places the wired ones cant go. Wi Fi is not great for maintaining a 100% reliable connection at all times, it was never designed for that purpose. Plus your wireless cameras then are dependent on how good your WiFi router is. At some point Wi Fi cameras will lose their connection to the Internet and have to reconnect, worst case they may fail to reconnect automatically and you may not realise they are down. I have got wired cameras running for nearly 2 years straight without as much as a reboot.

Posted by Anonymous at 3:19PM | (2 comments)

wireless security for home

In addition to providing more comprehensive protection, complete home security systems that are backed by professional monitoring services may also qualify customers for discounted homeowner’s insurance premiums of up to 20 percent. Learn more about professional home security monitoring here. Learn more about how much home security systems cost here. Minimum $49. 99/month services agreement required. Minimum $599. 99 equipment purchase may be financed subject to an agreement with one of Vivint’s financing partners. $49 to $199 installation fee applies. Financing eligibility and terms subject to credit approval. Month to month service agreement available when equipment is purchased upfront. Additional equipment may be purchased and financed.

Posted by Anonymous at 3:19PM | (0 comments)

alarms home security

Our children have almost immediate access to any kind of information available throughout the world. Want to read A Tale Of Two Cities?It’s on the Internet. Have a question about who the third person to land on the moon was?It’s on the Internet. However, want to be exposed to nudity, pedophiles, and thousands if not millions of other social deviants?You bet it’s on the Internet and just a key touch away from your child or grandchild. So, what do we do about this?First, we educate ourselves. Go to The National Center for Missing and Exploited Children website at and download their study “Online Victimization – A Report on the Nation’s Youth. ” This report will provide an eye opening look at the perils our children are under every time they access America Online, Compuserve, or the Internet via the local Internet Service Provider. It also provides a telling survey on how parents deal with their children’s use of the Internet. For example, over 85% of parents have talked with their children about being careful talking to strangers on the Net, and 97% of those polled check every now and then on what is on their child’s computer screen. But, only half the parents ever go back and actually check history to ensure the child is indeed staying out of potential problem sites, and only 39% set a limit on the amount of time their child can be on the Internet. Though it appears that parents do realize the potential exposure their children have on the Net, less than 1/2 play a truly diligent role in ensuring their child is protected.

Posted by Anonymous at 3:19PM | (0 comments)